G.U.N. - Speaking at the Central Synagogue in New York City
“When gun violence enters public discussion, waves of potential solutions are free flowing... But my years of working in this area have taught me that no single law, policy, or change in society will stop gun violence on its own. We must keep our focus on multiple efforts. This is not just one idea, but the many that can work together to reach our goal.”
Recently I spoke to a group of New Yorkers who have started an organization for grandparents worried about gun violence: Grandparents Unite Now or G.U.N. Catchy name.
They reached out after they saw my small contribution to the New York Times Op-Ed titled Stephen King and America’s Gun Problem, urging readers to lean away from author Stephen King's Op-Ed 18 More Deaths From Our Gun Addiction expressing his exhaustion and feeling of helplessness about gun violence.
I wrote that we need to give grace to those exhausted and afraid, advocating for people to take up the torch and continue this marathon effort to end gun violence in America. I do a lot of these little one-off meetings when I can, Zooming or walking into library groups and book clubs to encourage them to keep running.
I mention this group of grandparents, however, because they are not typical. They don't have leadership created out of gun violence. They don't tiptoe down their sidewalks afraid of stepping out the door. They aren't saying goodbye at the bus stop and hoping their child comes back each day.
They are grandparents who want to learn how they can make the world better. They just want to do SOMETHING.
They flashed copies of How to Talk About Guns with Anyone on the Zoom call. Their wisdom honed by years has taught them that persistence will win out but only if they learn their adversary's weaknesses. They've lived through real wars, culture wars, and disinformation warfare. They are tough and determined to help change. I welcome their efforts with open arms.
If you're a grandparent, join them. If you're not, maybe start your own group to marathon with as we all try to reduce gun violence. If it's a book club, ring me up so I can Zoom in! Get the books.